Six Tips To Help You Write For Your Blog ~ The Blogger's Haven

Six Tips To Help You Write For Your Blog

Writing for your blog may seem awkward or scary. It does not have to be. Some common questions often heard from new bloggers are:

"I don't know what to write!"

"I can't write creatively!"

"What if I bore people?"

"How can I build traffic to my blog?"

"How do I write good content?"

I am sure you have heard a thousand times over; "Post, Post and then Post some more!" Good content attracts the search engines, which in turn, attract visitors and help build traffic to your blog. I have six tips for you as you start writing your blog:

1. Be yourself and be unique - One of my favorite resources is Jeff Herring, The Internet Article Guy . Jeff tells his students, seminar attendees and Web visitors to "Write like you talk" Do not try to sound like someone you are not. Be yourself and be natural. No one can be as unique as you are.

2. Be consistent - Make all your posts filled with interesting, informative, high quality content. Posting quality material, twice a week is better than posting low quality content every day. Your readers come for content. Give them what they are looking for. In addition, give it to them regularly.

3. Use catchy titles - When writing a post, the title has the ability make or break it. Finding your blog in search engines depends highly on your title. Use short, catchy titles. Your title needs to show direct relevance to the article making it more search engine friendly.

4. Lists, Lists, Lists - A well-written list post can drive the traffic in. People love lists and it is relatively easy to come up with a list of something! Do a top 10 reasons to do something, or the top five recipes you saved from Grandma. Write about the three blogs you visit most often. There are hundreds of possibilities.

5. Make use of comments - Comments let people share their thoughts about your post. Do you know what is good about comments? Often comments on your blog can become the basis for a new post!

6. Do not stop blogging. If you cannot think of anything to write about, visit other blogs in your niche aimed at the same target market. You are bound to find something interesting to write about in the hundreds and yes, even thousands of blogs on the Web. You could also write about the latest movie, book or product. Or your favorite reality show?

I hope this helps get you past the first stages of fear. Your blog posting is nothing to fear. Just be yourself and post away! Make sure you let others join in on your blog and watch other ideas magically appear!

You are invited to visit my site at to learn more about promoting your business online and how important it is to have your writing look, sound and be professional. Anita Bruton is the owner of Anita's Professional Writing Services and provides written marketing and promotional writing services to small businesses, entrepreneurs and other business professionals. Register for my report: "Six Strategic Ways to Promote Your Business Online" by visiting


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